COMUCAP, or the Coordinadora de Mujeres Campesinas de La Paz, is a cooperative located in La Paz, Honduras. The cooperative was founded in 1993 to provide women with economic independence to support their families and help break the cycle of domestic abuse. This cooperative provides loans to members so that they can purchase land in their own name.
Our #1 best-selling coffee. Birchwood is a good cup of coffee, perfectly balanced to please just about anyone. We created this to be an elevated, ideal version of diner coffee, once served at a beloved local cafe. Birchwood will have coffee newbies and sophisticated palates saying, "top it off, please"!
This is a smooth, well-rounded brew that's a joy to drink. It's great move up from a more mainstream dark roast, with more complex flavors to savor: pops of chocolate, fruit, cherry and intriguing nuts.
When you like both dark and medium—or can't decide—you'll love Twin Cities. It's a little more intense and a touch more bold and roasty than most mediums. Hint: It's got a wee kick of Sumatra for some rustic, earthy punch.