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2019: A Decade Gone By - Peace Coffee

2019: A Decade Gone By

Looking back at the amazing things that came our way, and the amazing coffees we sent your way, in 2019 fills us with gratitude for our place in the coffee universe.

2019: A Decade Gone By - Peace Coffee

Looking back at the incredible things that came our way, and the amazing coffees we sent your way, in 2019 fills us with gratitude for our place in the coffee universe. We welcomed some major changes while remaining committed to stable growth for our organic, fair trade coffee farmer partners. As we look ahead, we’re excited about the future of our industry and the incredible people that are fighting climate change and other issues.

Ready For Our Close-up

Some challenges with our old packaging led us to a nearly 2-year journey of designing a new bag and a new supporting cast of characters to help tell the Peace Coffee story.

See the Changes

Along with our branding and packaging change, done by the amazing women of Werner Design Werks, 2019 brought new wheels (of the 2 and 4 variety), new roasting flames, and new space! Early in 2019, we hopped on the opportunity to purchase a coffee truck that we could fully outfit for mobile service around the Twin Cities and the Upper Midwest. Our first foray into coffee that comes to you took us to exciting events like the Twin Cities Marathon, Open Streets Minneapolis, Twin Cities VegFest, and Surly Darkness Day.

Midway through the year, we began an expansion project of our warehouse in our forever-home at the Greenway Building. One of our longtime neighbors moved, which gave us the opportunity to increase our space and gain our own dock for green coffees to be delivered to our back door from around the globe. With the expanded space, we were able to add a new roaster after putting our most recent machine in service during 2008. The new machine from Deidrich Roasters in Idaho will expand our capacity and increase efficiency for our team while cutting down roasting time and environmental impact. And it’s gorgeous to boot!

Our Mugs Raised To You

Community is at the heart of everything we do. We’re here today because of a deep commitment to coffee’s place in the world, which starts and ends with a group of people and a simple beverage.

Coffee is a truly magical thing. The tale of how coffee came to be consumed by humans is shrouded in lore, and yet the coffee industry is in some way responsible for the livelihood of up to 10% of the world’s population. With over 25 million coffee farming families in the world, our commitment to keeping farming sustainable and profitable is as strong as it ever was.

At Origin

Our work begins at the source, where our founding commitment to our farmer partners remains rooted in purchasing 100% organic, fair trade coffee that has a floor price of $2.25/lb. as the mainstream coffee market hovers around $1.00/lb. We raise our partnership by reinvesting in farmers and coffee-growing communities with a 3¢/lb. contribution to the Climate, Carbon, and Coffee initiative. Our contribution of nearly $30,000 in 2019 helped fund grants that improved farming conditions for many at the beginning of the supply chain. The most exciting project that we’ve seen in this program is the development and distribution of the Cool Farm Tool, an amazing resource that exists to help farmers track their fields and returns measurable data that helps highlight carbon sequestration through regenerative agriculture. Stay tuned for more on this in 2020!

At Home

Here in the Twin Cities, our community of customers and friends face many issues that we seek to play a positive, impactful part in. There are so many amazing organizations that need support, and we’re grateful to be able to be part of helping them grow. In 2019, we contributed over $20,000 to the work of incredible groups like Open Arms of Minnesota, Save the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, St. Stephen’s Human Services, Bountifields, and Climate Generation. We also continued to donate thousands of pounds of coffee to help fuel the work of many other organizations as a productivity boost, fundraising inspiration, or volunteer motivator.

Through our commitment and proven work with the community at home and at origin, we were named a 2019 Best For The World B Corporation in the Community category.

Expanding Our Horizons

2020 will bring opportunities for Peace Coffee to grow in many new ways, not the least of which is coming to a retailer near you!

2019 brought a slew of new places to find Peace Coffee on the shelves including many natural food co-ops in the Midwest, and an upcoming entry into Mariano’s Fresh Markets in the Chicagoland area. And if you’re ever flying through MSP Airport, catch a cup of Peace Coffee at Hi-Lo Diner, LeeAnn Chin, and The Cook and The Ox.

2020: A Coffee Odyssey

As we approach our 25th year of business, we’re beginning to look back on our history as a company, our impact on coffee producers and their cooperatives, and the changes in the global coffee economy as a whole. 2020 is going to be a year to deepen our roots in coffee-growing communities while also doubling down on our promise to be ‘In It For Good’. We hope you follow along as we expand our support of these communities while remaining the hard-working, coffee-crazy people we have always been.

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