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Peace Coffee

Let's Work Together

Is your business looking for wholesale organic & fair trade coffee? Our wholesale partners are an integral extension of the Peace Coffee story. Without dedicated folks like you stocking shelves or fueling your office with our fresh roasted beans, we’d just be a bunch of over-caffeinated enthusiasts in a warehouse. Ready to jump in? Send us a wholesale request or keep reading to learn more!

New Account Inquiry

Beans or Brew, our sales team and preferred distribution partners are here to advise you. We’ll help you get set up for success selling delicious coffee!

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Wholesale Login

Log in to manage your account and place orders.

Wholesale Account Login

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Equipment Service

Trouble with your brew? Our team of experienced baristas and coffee professionals are here to help you troubleshoot or schedule a technician.

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Peace Coffee

Just Here for Coffee

From our classic blends like Twin Cities and Tree Hugger to single origin offerings from Peru and Guatemala, we’re always roasting up something delicious. Our wholesale organic & fair trade coffee has been delighting customers for over two decades, and with our dedicated roasting and production team in Minneapolis, you’re guaranteed super fresh coffee!

Peace Coffee

Account Support

We keep our customers close to the heart of our business with a skilled support team in Minneapolis. Our DOA (Department Of Awesome) staff members take pride in responding quickly, communicating clearly, and personalizing your experience with simple processes to make working with us a breeze.

Peace Coffee

Expert Training

We have a dedicated staff of full-on coffee geeks that will toil and troubleshoot (sometimes just for fun) all of your coffee mysteries! With over 25-years in business and many more years of experience in the coffee industry, our people will make sure your coffee tastes great and serves your community well!

Peace Coffee

Delivery & Shipping

While our bike delivery trailers have embedded themselves into the Twin Cities’ landscape, we also pride ourselves in employing a full fleet of options for getting our coffees into your hands. Be it bike delivery or a regular shipment from our roastery, we’ll work with you to figure out what option works best for your scenario while making sure it’s on time and accurate!

Ready to Get Started?

Apply Here